Is Crotch Jewelry a Thing?
Forget vajazzling. A Tokyo-based company called BoDivas has rolled out a line of crotch charms — because apparently a cute bathing suit isn’t enough. The intimate jewelry — official name: Beachtails — is designed to be worn inside panties or bikini bottoms with the sparkly gems dangling down each side of the wearer’s legs.
Each design is made from a plated-metal chain and Swarovski crystals, and ranges in price from $19.50 to $22.50. Choose from 11 hues such as light pink, red and black. But be warned: the jewelry most likely isn’t comfortable as it sits right up against the vagina. BoDivas even notes in its marketing materials that “metal allergy is the responsibility of the users.”
BoDivas also sells NSFW baubles including nipple rings, nipple nooses and clitoris clips, all of which can be purchased on Etsy and Amazon.
“So, so wrong. If you were on the a beach that metal would get hot or a jellyfish would attach itself to one of the dangles,” wrote one person on Facebook. Added another: “Just imagine adjusting this in public or it pinching your clit accidentally? So many mishaps waiting to happen. I will not be paying $20 to go down in history on the internet, thanks.”
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But there is a market for Beachtails. As one woman wrote: “Is it bad I secretly want one?”
Tell Us: Would you wear a crotch charm?