Zhuri James Hair: What does Savannah James use on her daughters hair?
Some of us may still clearly recall our younger selves washing dishes in the kitchen sink! Because their process is perfected by their mother Savannah James, Zhuri James may someday share her tales of that hair care time.
She’s been Zhuri’s “kitchen beautician” for seven years, and the inches are pouring naturally!
Zhuri James Hair: What does Savannah James use on her daughters hair?
Savannah posted a one-minute film to her verified Instagram account. The photograph in the post showed her and Zhuri in what appears to be a home salon.
The background of the film features a big hair dryer, some product storage, and grey, marble walls. Savannah introduces her tools, which include a flat iron, rattail comb, and homemade hair oil with the name “Zhuri’s Hair Oil,” to the spectators. Later, she trims Zhuri’s ends with scissors that are rainbow-colored.
Savannah makes it clear in the post that she is only a “kitchen beautician,” with a disclaimer warning in the caption.
“I am not a professional,” Savannah wrote. I’m a kitchen beautician. The process I use has gotten us to these lengths through the last 7 years. Please don’t come for me.”
We might just have to approach her, but with a kind word! Zhuri’s hair may be seen in the video falling over her shoulders and resting close to her elbow. Her hair has a healthy appearance, natural volume, is lustrous, and feels very free-flowing.
See the touching mother-daughter interaction below: